Thank You from the General Chair
I thank you for your participation at the 30th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) in Seattle. I received a lot of great feedback from many of you stating that the conference provided value and opportunity. I am always impressed with the quality of the technical papers and speaker presentations, and this year was no exception. I always enjoy the opportunity to meet with my existing colleagues. Even more importantly, I was able to meet new people that added to my array of industry contacts. It is evident to me that everyone at the DASC shares a passion for our industry.
I would like to join Roger Oliva in welcoming you to the 31st DASC to be held in Williamsburg, Virginia on 14-18 October 2012. Conference planning has begun. Start planning your abstracts for the papers you wish to publish next year. Contact Steve Young (, the technical program chair, if you wish to get involved as a session chair or track chair. Contact Glen Logan (, the Sponsors and Exhibits Chair, if your organization wishes to become a sponsor or exhibitor next year. Contact Roger Oliva (, the general conference chair, if you wish to get involved in some other capacity.
As everyone returns to their respective organizations, I sincerely hope that DASC has given you some new information and tools to help you excel in your tasks. I look forward to seeing each of you next year as we “Projecting 100 Years of Digital Avionics Progress into the Future”.
Chris Watkins
30th DASC General Chair